Chicago Sun Times

There’s an important role in Springfield for the civic-minded business owner who’s ready to step into the political fray to work on the economic woes of the state.

Republican Seth Lewis of Bartlett fits that bill. He’s a relatively moderate Republican with small business experience who was persuaded by his party to enter the race late when the winner of the party’s primary, Bartlett Trustee Michael Camerer, died unexpectedly.

Lewis, whom we also endorsed in a state Senate race in 2018, is challenging incumbent Democrat Diane Pappas, of Itasca, in this Republican-leaning west suburban district.

Lewis is an insurance agent by profession and an industrial engineer by training. He has a solid understanding of this district’s pressing infrastructure needs and flooding problems, as well as a record of community involvement.

We look forward to watching Lewis work to craft practical solutions to Illinois’ problems. He promises to be a strong voice for anti-corruption reforms, as well.

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