Funding Released for Transit Improvements Throughout Lewis' 45th District
Funding Released for Transit Improvements Throughout Lewis' 45th District
“This funding will bring necessary improvements to make our transit systems better, more efficient, and safer for the long-term,” said Rep. Lewis. “This is a huge amount of funding that will ignite the local economy but also enable the entire state of Illinois to be more attractive as a transit hub.”
Written by: The Office of Representative Seth Lewis | Link to original statement here
The Illinois Department of Transportation recently released its updated six-year plan with designated funding for transit projects throughout the state. IDOT’s Highway Improvement Program includes $24.6 billion for road projects starting next year and extending through 2028, made possible by the comprehensive Rebuild Illinois Capital Plan approved by the state legislature. The plan will reconstruct nearly 2,779 more miles of roads and 7.9 million square feet of bridge across Illinois.
State Representative Seth Lewis’ 45th District will be receiving over $16 million in funding for 20 different projects dedicated towards improving area highways over the next few years, starting in 2023. Some of the projects involve highway shoulder and intersection improvements, bridge repairs, and traffic signal modernization.
“This funding will bring necessary improvements to make our transit systems better, more efficient, and safer for the long-term,” said Rep. Lewis. “This is a huge amount of funding that will ignite the local economy but also enable the entire state of Illinois to be more attractive as a transit hub.”
The Highway Improvement Program is just one part of the larger $45 billion Rebuild Illinois infrastructure plan, which was a bipartisan effort to invest in local economies with improvements to roads, bridges, railroads, state facilities, and more. The specific allocations for the 45th District can be found here.